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Calculating the ROI of your wellness program

Strong wellness programs show a company's commitment to their employees. When done right, wellness programs can also reduce company costs by lowering overall healthcare spending and improving workforce productivity.

But deciding what specific benefits to offer in wellness programs and packages can be challenging. Without hard-and-fast stats, it can be difficult to determine what benefits to implement that will both be utilized by employees and save company money long term.

Enter employee health screenings. Also known as biometric screenings, these baseline measurements are critical components to assessing the success of employer wellness programs. With the right screening partner, organizations gain insight into the trends of their workforce health,  leading to  many tangible cost savings, as well as additional intangible benefits that also have an impact on the companies bottom line.

Tangible Cost Savings

Healthcare Cost Reduction

The treatment of chronic conditions is the leading cause of healthcare spending in the US, accounting for 86% of the $3 trillion spent on healthcare in the US each year. Annual biometric screenings can lead to the early detection and prevention of many health conditions, and reduce healthcare costs for both employers and employees.

Reduced Absenteeism

Investing in preventive healthcare for employees can also reduce absenteeism due to illness and chronic conditions. It is estimated that for every $1 spent on wellness programs, companies are able to see a decrease of $2.73 in costs related to absenteeism.

Enhanced Productivity 

Biometric screenings allow employees to proactively manage their health based on screening data. Healthier employees will generally be more productive, have higher energy levels, and take fewer sick days. This can help improve project timelines, having a direct impact on the business.

Intangible Benefits

Employee Engagement and Satisfaction 

In the era of quiet quitting, keeping employees engaged has become a new challenge for many managers. Wellness programs, like biometric screenings, are a good way to help keep employees engaged.

Competitive Edge in Recruiting 

The majority of job-seekers consider benefits when deciding between potential opportunities. By offering benefits employees want, like biometric screenings, companies are able to gain a competitive edge in their recruiting efforts, and ensure they are attracting top talent.

Improved Organizational Culture 

Investing in employee health, signals to the employees that the company cares about their well being. Creating a culture where employees feel cared for and supported can significantly increase employee retention and productivity.

The positive impact of biometric screenings for both the employees and employers is clear. Compared to many wellness benefits, where the effectiveness can be unclear, biometric screenings allow employees to easily track and improve their own health, while saving companies money overall.

A yearly biometric screening service like Reperio, that can support hybrid teams, should be a standard part of every wellness offering, and the benefits of it are undeniable.

Interested in learning more about our biometric screening service? Request a demo with one of our screening consultants.

Make your life easier with healthcare where you want it

Find out how you can access in-depth health screenings from home.
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